Download all files automatically - iOS (iPhone - iPad)


is there a possibility to sync all files on iOS devices automatically like the Windows client does?

The “Keep the folder synchronized” doesnt work for me because it can only sync files from one folder but no subfolders. (In this case there are more than 300 Subfolders, round about 1500 files and more than 150 clients…)

Synchronizing this manually can not be a solution.

Any information/help? :slight_smile:

Hi @A.Mayr
for a serious work, i need new API from the server, now it would be too slow for iOS and not usable.

You could make a proposal :wink:


I have the same issue, even if with a lower number of file and folder.
I need data to be store on the device memory so to be used off-line.
I’ve seen other posts in the forum asking about that.
How should we make a proposal?