Display date and time instead of interval in files list


I’d like to be able to display the date and time a file was uploaded instead of something like “4 months ago”? Users find it complicated and don’t like to have to hover over to obtain the information.

Thanks in advance!


No answer in 17 days… am I in the wrong category? If it’s not possible or whatever can someone answer me please?



Yeah, it’s been two years now!
Nowbody ever asked for this “… ago” “feature”, it is really just useless info. I don’t want to calculate in my mind, to find out, when it was! really.
Except for the case it is in minutes (less than an hour), the feature is useless.

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This is still an issue, isn’t it? We are on Nextcloud 21.0.1 and I can’t find the setting to change the way the date and time are displayed. Since usually the problem sits behind the screen I am assuming I am just not able to find where to change the format, or is this still not solved?

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Came here to look for this setting/feature. It would be extremely helpful to just view the detailed list of files with date and time next to each like normal rather than obfuscating this basic information with an unhelpful, vague interval. We could really use a config option to opt out of this specific piece of added “flair” and just show us the basic things we need to see.

Nextcloud’s primary mission is still to store and display our files, right? It’s doing an amazing job with the desktop clients and the sync. This little bit of the web UI is just awful, though.

Oh, the file’s modified date isn’t Apr 24 14:51 2021, it’s “4 months ago” ? Look, it’s a giant screen full of files all modified “X months ago” followed by some more that were modified “X months ago” ! When I’m looking for a file from “somewhere around the end of April”, that’s not very helpful, is it?

has someone tried to file an issue about that on github?

What is the status of this issue? It’s Nov 2023 but I still can’t find where to change the modified time format. is this still unimplemented or I’m just missing something?

No usable directory listing?

Sorry but first I need to rant and then pray that someone has a fix for this.

The most basic purpose of a file manager is to manage files and display a list with the name of the file, the create date and the modified date.

I have been evaluating different systems for a project to create a community platform that will host social and health care organisations as well as citizens.

Now, I feel like a complete idiot. Without the standard directory listing I will need start looking again. How does anyone use it?

I have used Synology NAS for the last 5 years. It has many applications and is rock solid. But the GUI desktop is “too” complete and I require something more workflow and less proprietory, a more flexibile platform that is easier to integrate with different systems. I spent the last 8 months learning linux and understaning cloud systems. I must have rebuilt nextcloud over 40 times as part of the process.

Does anyone know if there is a way to list and display file dates and times?

With hope and thanks,

Besides hovering the mouse over the intervals? Unfortunately no…

…but I could repeat the question asked in post #6 :wink:

Thank you for the quick reply.
I am still shocked by the missing functionality (not a feature).

To drum up fressh eyeballs i have posted something to the support your initial thread.

If you get the time please do the same.

If we can raise awareness, someone at Nextcloud may explain the logic behind the decision not to put the functionality in the appplication.

Better still perhaps they will add the item in 28.0.3 !!

The code would not take too long to develop, perhaps a couple of days.

(I run a business that produces a teamworking application for heathcare.
I have three developers who can only program in Java, otherwise I would ask them to do the work.)

Also, I wonder if anyone else on this forum can do it if Netxcloud don’t wish too.
It can be added to the nextcloud app store. There is already an app to display file meta data so it should be easily done.


Feature requests are better discussed on Github because that’s where the developers are. The forums are mostly just users helping other users.

Again, GitHub would be a better place for this. However, there’s a good chance this has already been discussed. So I suggest you search for existing issues and upvote or comment on them, and only open a new one if there are no existing issues on the same topic, or if your proposal is significantly different from the existing ones.

There is a Freelancing category in the forums, maybe you could ask there: 💸 Nextcloud freelancing - Nextcloud community

Upvoting this! I enjoy NextCloud but really can’t understand why it must show relative time instead of absolute time! Its not possible for me to use the web interface to group files by date!

Here is the relevant Github issue:

Moreover, please go to the GitHub issue (Option to show actual date rather than relative date on files date modified column · Issue #29807 · nextcloud/server · GitHub), log in, and vote adding a :+1: reaction on the initial post to schedule it for development. Right now it doesn’t have enough votes.