**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Get…ting the following error thrown to the log every few seconds. It doesn't seem to be affecting any of my workloads but I'd like to try and identify how to solve it
Error Call to undefined method OCA\Richdocuments\Service\DiscoveryService::refetch()
Could not boot richdocuments: Call to undefined method OCA\Richdocuments\Service\DiscoveryService::refetch()
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to admin settings
2. scroll down to logging
3. error is presented
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

**Client details:**
- OS: Debian 12
- Browser Floorp (firefox fork)
- Version 11.6.1
- Device: Laptop
## Server details
**Operating system**: Debian 12
**Web server:** Apache 2.4.56
**Database:** MariaDB 10.5.21
**PHP version:** 8.2.13
**Nextcloud version:** 28.0.0
**Version of the richdocuments app** 8.3.0
**Version of Collabora Online** 25.5.602
#### Nextcloud log (data/nextcloud.log)
"reqId": "aotXjCZpSlFyOnqxkmgS",
"level": 4,
"time": "2023-12-16T13:13:08+00:00",
"remoteAddr": "",
"user": "Jeef",
"app": "no app in context",
"method": "GET",
"url": "/index.php/apps/logreader/api/poll?lastReqId=",
"message": "Could not boot richdocuments: Call to undefined method OCA\\Richdocuments\\Service\\DiscoveryService::refetch()",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0",
"version": "",
"exception": {
"Exception": "Error",
"Message": "Call to undefined method OCA\\Richdocuments\\Service\\DiscoveryService::refetch()",
"Code": 0,
"Trace": [
"file": "/var/www/html/nextcloud/apps/richdocuments/lib/AppInfo/Application.php",
"line": 154,
"function": "checkAndEnableCODEServer",
"class": "OCA\\Richdocuments\\AppInfo\\Application",
"type": "->"
"file": "/var/www/html/nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Bootstrap/Coordinator.php",
"line": 200,
"function": "boot",
"class": "OCA\\Richdocuments\\AppInfo\\Application",
"type": "->"
"file": "/var/www/html/nextcloud/lib/private/App/AppManager.php",
"line": 434,
"function": "bootApp",
"class": "OC\\AppFramework\\Bootstrap\\Coordinator",
"type": "->"
"file": "/var/www/html/nextcloud/lib/private/App/AppManager.php",
"line": 213,
"function": "loadApp",
"class": "OC\\App\\AppManager",
"type": "->"
"file": "/var/www/html/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_App.php",
"line": 125,
"function": "loadApps",
"class": "OC\\App\\AppManager",
"type": "->"
"file": "/var/www/html/nextcloud/lib/base.php",
"line": 1049,
"function": "loadApps",
"class": "OC_App",
"type": "::"
"file": "/var/www/html/nextcloud/index.php",
"line": 39,
"function": "handleRequest",
"class": "OC",
"type": "::"
"File": "/var/www/html/nextcloud/apps/richdocuments/lib/AppInfo/Application.php",
"Line": 226,
"message": "Could not boot richdocuments: Call to undefined method OCA\\Richdocuments\\Service\\DiscoveryService::refetch()",
"exception": {},
"CustomMessage": "Could not boot richdocuments: Call to undefined method OCA\\Richdocuments\\Service\\DiscoveryService::refetch()"