Delete my User Account from

Please delete my account also

Hello, please delete my account also. Thx

Hi, please delete my account too.

Hello, please delete my account, too. Thank you.
Scroll down and select “Delete account”.

Hello, Can you also delete my account ?

Same here, can you please delete and anonymize my accunt?
Thank you!

please anonymize/delete my account.

please anonymize/delete my account.

please anonymize/delete my account.

As there is no button to do it myself, could one of the mods delete my account?

We can just anonymize your account.

I have a simple task to be executed. Deleting my account here. Who can do it?

Do it for my account. And, btw, is a joke.

I will help you here… give me 5 min

Hello, I would like to irrevocably delete my account here in this forum. How is this possible? Other mail requests etc. should also be deleted. So that I am completely “disappeared” from here in accordance with the GDPR (DSGVO).

We can anonymize your account. The posts with the help provided to the community remains (according to, but it is associated to an anonymized account.

alright, do it