Delete my User Account from


i would like to delete my user account from Where can i do this?
I didn’t found any button or other solution like “close Account” or anyone else.

We can anonymize your account. So it is disabled and your contributions are still readable as user anonymousxyz.

I anonymized the account.

The philosophy of user accounts is implemented like this in discourse. In some way it sticks with the open source idea, you can check the forum for help and solutions, you can ask and get answers but once the community makes the effort to help and provide a solution, it is in its interest to keep the questions and answers for other users.

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You should sanitize your logs before posting.

If we see usernames and credentials, we usually remove them.

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Hello @tflidd, i’d also like to get my profile anonimized (or deleted). Any chance you could help me with that? Thanks.

No problem.

@tflidd please anonymize my Account too

Hello, could you anonymize mine too?

Hello, I’d like to remove my account too, can someone remove or anonymize my account? Thanks in advance!

Request for anonymizing here as well. Thanks

Please anonymize me.

@tflidd please anonymize/delete my account.

can you please anonymize mine to? thank you

and me, thanks

can you please anonymize mine to? thank you

My request is really simple. I have no idea why this forum doesn’t provide an option to delete my account in the settings but I want it deleted. So here I am creating a topic about it. Can an admin please assist me with this?

Hallo Leute.
Ich nutze meine Nextcloudinstallationen nicht mehr und möchte mein Forumkonto hier löschen (Karteileichen sind eben schlecht).
Da ich meine Accounts bei “Verabschiedung” grundsätzlich lösche ist daher hier meine Frage: wo kann ich meinen Forumaccount wieder löschen?

Falls dies nur über Forumadmins geht: meine Erlaubnis zur Accountlöschung ist hiermit erteilt.

Vielen Dank.

Please delete my account. I am not sure why this is so difficult.
Thank You

Please delete my account. I am also not sure why this is so difficult.