Deck Android 1.14 - 📆 Upcoming cards widget

We are happy to announce the release of Nextcloud Deck Android 1.14 #apps:deck ! :partying_face:

After version 1.13 this release will bring the probably most often requested feature so far.


  • :calendar: Upcoming cards
    This version features the new “Upcoming cards” widget. It will allow you to get the same overview about cards which are assigned to you and have a due date as in the web app. For boards which aren’t shared, it will display also cards which aren’t assigned.
  • :memo: Single card
    The single card widget got a few enhancements. In case you have a long running issue or an overview ticket, you will now be able to scroll the description (which was previously just cut off). If you are using markdown, it will get some basic rendering.
  • :beetle: Various bugfixes
    We were able to do some maintenance work like updating the translations and fix various bugs (for example crashes in case one attempts to add an attachment from remote storage like a Nextcloud - funny thing: the solution was right here in this forum).

Get Deck Android 1.14

The release is rolled out in stages (at time writing 5%), so just be a little patient if you can’t see the update yet or switch to the beta channel.

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What’s next?

Of course we will perform some fine tuning on the “Upcoming cards” widget, because it is quite rough in our first release. So bet on enhancements in this corner for the next few versions.

On the other hand there are various topics here and there (like toggling checkboxes by click, attachment compression and of course a few bugs which needs to get fixed). Since we have reached some kind of “feature parity” with the web app now, we will clean up our issue tracker and refine what else we can enhance and polish, what might be features which users expect and of course what technical dept (1, 2) we need to clean up.

Get involved!

If you’d like to get involved into the development, check out our good first issues and other ways to contribute :rocket: