Dashboard upcoming events show x years ago

For some reason my Nextcloud Dashboard Upcoming Events shows the events I would expect, but the date shows years ago. For example, my friend John’s birthday is on Thursday of this week yet the Upcoming Events shows it as ‘4 years ago’. Clicking on it takes me to the Nextcloud calendar which shows the correct date. The server time is correct as it the Nextcloud time settings. Everything else is working perfectly.

I am running Nextcloud and mariadb as linuxserver docker containers. I am running Nextcloud Hub 6 (27.1.0). I have stopped and deleted both containers and images and re-created them. The upcoming events still show ‘x years ago’. I have rebooted the server on which the docker containers are running. I have rebooted my computer.

EDIT: I just noticed only long-term calendar items are showing, hence the birthday which is a repeating event. No other upcoming events are included. How can I put this right?

Any ideas?


I have the exact same issue after upgrading to 27.1.0 - Though I am not running it in docker but in a VM - LEMP.

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I have the same error after upgrading to 27.1.0

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Same here.
Theres a “<” where a “>” should be.

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Same here, Nextcloud 27.1.0

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Hello, i have the same problem. After update to 27.1.1 it’s the same problem. No solution.

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Same here - here’s a screenshot:

Nextcloud Server: 27.1.1
Dashboard app: 7.7.0
Calendar app: 4.5.1

How do we get someone to investigate the problem? I thought it might have been picked up by posting it here . . .

I submitted a Github issue, here:

It’s not clear from the Community Guidelines whether posting here is enough. The guidelines state “If you have questions about how to install or use Nextcloud, please direct these to our forum”, but doesn’t indicate how to handle bug reports that are reported on the forums.

EDIT: Updated Github issue link, as I had incorrectly opened the issue in nextcloud/server instead of nextcloud/calendar.


Same here :-/
First I thought my calendar was corrupt, so I exported my calendar, wiped it , create i new calendar and imported everything.

Now my Dashboard-Widget looks really weird and shows old test-items from my (deleted) calendar :smiley:


  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • Nextcloud 27.1.1 in Docker-Container
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Thank you for that @elvisman113 . It looks like it has been picked up and dealt with. Should be sorted in Nextcloud 28 - though I just noticed it says backport to 25, 26 and 27. Hopefully we’ll have a fix very soon.

After update to 27.1.2 it is fixed. Thank’s

Unfortunately not. I’m only seeing some of my calendar items although the time frame is now correct. Each item shows ‘… in x days’ with no actual date. Not particularly helpful.

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Same here after installing 27.1.2.
Only recurring events are shown with the correct data. Single events are not shown at all.

Hmm, I’m seeing single events and recurring events, from multiple calendars:

I have 8 events between Tuesday and Saturday. I am only seeing 3 in the Dashboard. Some recurring and single events are just not showing up.


The reason it did not work for me was one of my calendars was corrupted.
After I fed it through an ics validator and fixed the errors, everything seems to be fine now with 27.1.2.

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Just ran my calendar through an ICS validator and it found no errors.

Did you try to add a brand new calendar for testing if it works with that?

I’ll try that. Thank you.