Dashboard upcoming events show x years ago

No good. Only certain items are showing up in Dashboard. It has been working perfectly for years and now it’s broken.

Havin’ similar problems, i had strange effects on my calendars, made exports and reimports, replay the whole database, well ok, yesterday i found my Wastebasket filled with lots of dead tests.
Delete’m all.
Restart apache and redis. (no Problems, it’s a two-user instance)
Now it works. Don’t ask me anything. #gandalfwashere

Sorry, but i was to fast. The last events was correct, but now the next events was not shown. Now the list is emty.

Same here, still not working correctly.
At the beginning of setting up a new calendar, everything was fine, now it starts to suppress entries again …

Upcoming events is always empty for me since upgrading from 25.0.13 to 27.1.3 (25.0.13 > 26.0.8 > 27.1.3), even a test event i just created for today is not showing. It has worked for fine for years for me also until now.

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Indeed. It’s so frustrating. It has worked perfectly, as you say, for years, so it’s not exactly cutting edge or some new project. I’ve even contemplated moving to owncloud to see it it works there.

Well, as far as I know, OwnCloud doesn’t have a dashboard app. So yeah, you most likely won’t run into this particular issue there… :wink:

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Thank you. That’s saved me a bit of work! I wonder if there’s an alternative solution? Even if it’s not Nextcloud? I like my browser homepage to show my upcoming events when I log on first thing in the morning.

Well, the calendar app in Nextcloud itself has a list view. And in general, almost every calendar app (desktop calendar apps, mobile apps, 3rd party homescreen / dashboard apps that can connect to a CalDAV server) can display upcoming events somehow.

However, based on the comments of the users in this thread, it seems this is clearly a bug. So the best way to deal with this would be to open a bug report on GitHub, and in the meantime using one of the solutions I mentioned above as a workaround.

If you’re asking for my opinion, you’ll probably have a hard time finding a self-hosted solution that combines as many well integrated features as Nextcloud, and personally I don’t think it makes any sense to jump ship because of, sorry in my opinion, such a minor issue, if you’re otherwise happy with the product. But that’s of course your decision to be made.

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Sorry, I wasn’t suggesting I move away from Nextcloud, I was just wondering if some other app could access my Nextcloud calendar via caldav and display a web page similar to the Nextcloud Dashboard. I’ll have a look around.

I just noticed this today and it seems like it could have something to do with my upcoming events being empty all of the time. On the right is A Nextcloud notification saying an event scheduled for today apparently starts in -1y,11m while at the same time my server’s time is correct as reported on the left in the system panel in the admin settings section. What can I do to troubleshoot and fix this?

[edit] Everything was working fine on 25.0.13 until upgrading to 27.1.3 (25.0.13 to 26.0.8 to 27.1.3).

This appears to be resolved in 27.1.5. Upcoming Events are showing on the dashboard widget again as well.

Thank you.