Cron warning memory increase

Why is in cron.php a hard coded warning for memory increase?

			if ($memoryAfter - $memoryBefore > 10_000_000) {
				$logger->warning('Used memory grew by more than 10 MB when executing job ' . $jobDetails . ': ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryAfter). ' (before: ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryBefore) . ')', ['app' => 'cron']);


Because monitoring excessive memory consumption by background jobs is new in v29.

Though perhaps the 10M one should be at info level. Need some more field experience with it I suppose.

Why do you ask? Are you getting a bunch? If so, from any job in particular?

Because I often have increases over 10MB, and always an entry in the log and a brown bubble/hint in the adminitravite overview. The value is dropping an increasing depending an the changes. The value should be configurable.

I have the same issues. Can I increase the limit in the file myself or do I have to wait for a solution again?

What jobs are being reported? It should say in each log entry.

{“reqId”:“e6KjRIvnFfalNwghp2VA”,“level”:2,“time”:“2024-04-25T13:20:18+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“–”,“app”:“cron”,“method”:“”,“url”:“–”,“message”:“Used memory grew by more than 10 MB when executing job OCA\Recognize\BackgroundJobs\ClassifyImagenetJob (id: 265, arguments: {"storageId":1,"rootId":1}): 49.2 MB (before: 39.2 MB)”,“userAgent”:“–”,“version”:“”,“data”:{“app”:“cron”},“id”:“662a8f810871c”}


[cron] Warnung: Used memory grew by more than 10 MB when executing job OCA\Recognize\BackgroundJobs\ClassifyImagenetJob (id: 265, arguments: {“storageId”:1,“rootId”:1}): 49.2 MB (before: 39.2 MB)
von ? von – um 25.04.2024, 15:20:18

I changed the hard coded value to 30_000_000 in cron.php

181			if ($memoryAfter - $memoryBefore > 30_000_000) {

Mostly I have the warning when someone (my wife) came back home and the automatic upload of the pictures has started (Android Client).



this solved my problem. thank you