Collabora Integration behind Reverse Proxy? Help Request

I am unable to get Nextcloud running locally with Collabora.
I have tried at least 10 different setups, and still no dice.

Can somebody please send some troubleshooting light my way?
From the start, I want to link to this wiki Collabora integration guide.
That blog/wiki post has been excellent in providing light.

My setup is:
I have a static IP, and an nginx reverse proxy receiving everything.

If I setup nextcloud, it runs perfect internally (without Collabora).
I then run CertBot in my nginx proxy, and I get a certificate (https) for:

I can then access my nextcloud installation from the outside perfectly.

Where I am falling down is with Collabora.
I tried to run the built-in, yet documents do not load. I get a time-out error.
I then tried setting up a separate Debian server with Collabora stand-alone.
I pointed the working nextcloud install into that stand-alone server, and I still I would get a no-load error on documents.

Can somebody please let me know how can I start to “branch out” the different things to try?
Like “divide and conquer” on this troubleshooting?

My opinion is that I have a problem with the reverse proxy and Collabora.

Any and ALL help is greatly appreciated.
I’m super comfortable with the command line, so please let me know what information I can get.

Thank you!

hi @aj3 welcome back in the forum :handshake:

my guide you referenced gives you everything you need. I would recommend you carefully follow the guide and once you complete and still experience issues describe the current setup and collect logs from every involved system: client, reverseproxy, Nextcloud and Collabora and post it here.

You should start with the basics and apply right reverse proxy settings for both systems. both should have own DNS and must be available using https from outside and inside (doesn’t apply for built-in). both systems must reach each other using the public hostname - once this simple requirements are in place likely it starts working. In my eyes a separated setup using Docker or dedicated system is easier to setup and troubleshot - it seems you can afford dedicated setup I so I recommend to start there.

Built-in has some special mechanics and assumptions it might be harder to troubleshoot - but there are many people who managed the challenge.

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Wow thank you @wwe !!!
I’ll check on everything with patience, and report back.

I have to tell you, that blog/wiki post has been the thing that most has helped understand the “triangle” of communication that has to happen.

If I get everything running, I’ll try to edit a see if I can improve anything I find. (maybe something debian specific… or nginx reverse proxy specific).

Thank you!