Can't upgrade. Stuck in step 5

I’m running version 20.0.14 and I’m trying to upgrade to version 21.0.9, but when I click on the “Open updater” button, I get this message:

Step 5 is currently in process. Please reload this page later.

It’s been like that for weeks, since an attempt I made to upgrade my NC a while ago. What should I do to restart the upgrade?

Updating that there is no .steps file anywhere, the php_value memory_limit 512M is present in the .htaccess file and there’s no updater folder anywhere either.


Can you please spell out more specifics on your recent steps taken. Also,

Hi @dstu,
You are missing the required support template. Please fill this form out and edit into your post.

This will give us the technical info and logs needed to help you! Thanks.

I didn’t realize that the updater folder was in the data folder and not in the nextcloud folder. Once I found it and deleted it, I succeeded to upgrade


I have the same issues when upgrading. May I ask how you find the update folder? Can you show us the location of this folder?

Thank you very much.

In order to locate your data directory, search for the value datadirectory in the /config/config.php file and delete the problematic files from there in order to kick start the upgrade