Best practice to upgrade from OwnCloud 8.2.11 to the latest Nextcloud release?

Hi. I am new to Nextcloud.

I want to upgrade from OwnCloud 8.2.11 to the latest Nextcloud release. I host Owncloud in a shared webspace provider environment. I have no shell access. I will use Nextcloud only for storing files like Dropbox or Onedrive. Currently I don’t use any apps.

Is this Best Upgrade Path from ownCloud 8.1.4 (stable) to latest nextcloud still the best upgrade path? I have read this page But now I am nearly as clueless as before. Any help is appreciated.

First, I would not recommend running Nextcloud on a shared webspace without shell access. Sooner or later you will run into problems that can easily be solved by a shell access, but leave you stranded otherwise.

If you use the cloud only for yourself without shares for other users, it would be the easiest way to set up the cloud from scratch and import your files from a backup.

Ok. My data-dir is different from my webroot. Webroot ist /provider/customer/www-webroot and datadir is /provider/customer/datadir.

When I setup NC from scratch, can I ‘rediscover’ the uploaded files without uploading them again? And - for the client side - can I avoid the re-download on Windows or Mac by using the same server path (e. g. that I used with OC?

You can use this command to rediscover sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --all

As you don’t have shell access you can try this app (I think that it’s not an official app, not sure)