Add WOPI list . . . any clear answers?

I’m running Nextcloud Hub 6 27.1.11 with Nextcloud office (8.2.12) as a docker install.

I’m trying to setup the WOPI allow list. I’ve been trying to do this on-and-off for a while. It seems a desirable - although not necessary - step to get things running secure.

Steps so far.
Find docker details:

root@stanworth:/home/james# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE            COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS          PORTS                      NAMES
b7a2fccc4f26   collabora/code   "/start-collabora-on…"   9 minutes ago   Up 34 seconds>9980/tcp   NEXTCLOUDOFFICE

Specifically checking the IP of the container:

root@stanworth:/home/james# docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' NEXTCLOUDOFFICE

My network gateway is

Adding that works. Others also have done this.

However, is this what I should be doing here? There is much confusion about this.

So it would be great if a “super tech” could dive in with some specific answers :smiley: