About the NextcloudPi Documentation category

Documentation for NextCloudPi and configuration options. Please contribute new and refined articles by joining our documentation group on this forum.

Welcome to the NextCloudPi Wiki!

This is a collection of information about how to install NextCloudPi and most of the configuration options. Please contribute - this is how open source communities thrive!

To do so, and become a registered member here, come and join us, leave a comment on NCP Wiki Team’s Telegram group, to let us know, if you need translator, contributor or editorial rights.

Please use the #NCP forum tag for things related to NextcloudPi when creating topics, you can use multiple tags that are related but when you include the #NCP tag a notification message is automatically relayed to our Matrix chat.

Thank you.

Documentation – Index of Everything

All the wiki pages are accessible via the search box menu at the top and the bottom of each page, within the Nextcloudpi Documentation category on the forum.

The documentation is a work in progress, it’s maintained, updated and contributed to by community members who are volunteering their own time to do this. As such, contributions or assistance with this is welcome and appreciated.

If a link is broken, please let us know through Telegram, bridged Matrix, Forum or on Github.


Every single link in this post is broken. Please fix this.

Hmm, updated. Please try again @Milch .

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