2nd Beta of Nextcloud 24 is available for testing

Continuing the discussion from We have released the first beta of Nextcloud 24!:

2nd Beta is now available for testing @bug-hunters

Download the prerelease zip from Nextcloud here

Be sure to check any bugs you find against those already reported.
If you find the issue is already reported on the related repo:

  • use the :+1: emoticon button on Github to show you are experiencing the same problem. No post needed.
  • reply to the topic only if you have something new to add.
  • If the problem is with an app check their specific repos to make sure the issue was reported.
  • If testing, be helpful! Always attach logs or other relevant technical info by a pastebin service so the devs won’t have to ask you.
  • Be polite, stay patient, and thank you for testing!

PDFs cannot be opened with this beta when using php 8.1 and postgresql. The issue has been reported.

Hopefully its just me and not a bug for everyone.

Could you please add the issue link.

Is there a zip file I can download, like for the stable release?




Source code is in the top post.

Its a bad idea to use the source from github. You want to use the zip from nextcloud.com.

Don’t believe me? Compare the file size differences between the two.


Good point. Updated top post.

Some interesting thoughts upon varchar(4000) limit and one instance sporadically switching to maintenance mode: https://github.com/nextcloud/bookmarks/issues/1785#issuecomment-1086851761

Formal announcement and changelog

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