22rc2 is here - see if the upgrade goes smooth for you!

We’ve made Nextcloud 22 RC1 available - help test the upgrade process and see if you catch any bugs🐞

EDIT: RC2 is out now, too, get it on https://nextcloud.com/install or directly at https://download.nextcloud.com/server/prereleases/nextcloud-22.0.0rc2.zip

Many apps are now available - sadly, many are also not yet there, as usual it takes app authors a while to catch up, but if they are not yet in the app store you can often find pre-releases on github. As an example:

See for ‘what to test’ my earlier post about Beta 3!


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A smooth Update, no issues so far.

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Here is a wiki topic to tracks which apps are not yet compatible. Please add any you find!