Hello there.
Android devices show timeout when using 4G despite being able to hotspot Nextcloud to other devices.
I run Nextcloud 30.0.5 on Debian 12 on Proxmox behind a 10Gbit router
connected through a VPN (ZeroTier)
to Android 10 hotspots (Huawei, Samsung).
Android on WLAN works fine: Nextcloud can be operated fast in browser and app.
Android on 4G shows timeout in browser and app 95% of the time. I can remember that it used to work a few times.
Android on 4G > hotspot > Ubuntu notebook works fine although very slow.
The problem is with the ZeroTier App version 1.14.0 to 1.14.2. Despite the zerotier system being “online” the tunnel does not transfer pings.
Version 1.8.9 or older on one side is enough to make it work again.
No real solution yet.
Seems to be a general Internet to your server over tunnel problem. Problems with e.g. routing, NAT, IPv4/IPv6, … Post more details.
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Issue: The devices are “online” within the zerotier network but remain unpingable. Problem can stem from an automatic zerotier Update.
1 Collect the zerotier IDs of the unpingable devices on both ends or safe the ID from the Android App and collect the one from the server:
#on the server (e.g. Nextcloud)
sudo zerotier-cli info
200 info **999xxxxx99** 1.14.2 ONLINE
2 Delete the peer info on both machines or reinstall the Android App and remove the peer info on the server
#check if your path is different
sudo rm /var/lib/zerotier-one/peers.d/999xxxxx99.peer
3 On each machine, restart the zerotier service
sudo systemctl restart zerotier-one
They should now be able to communicate again, wait a little while for them to reconnect. I hope this helps someone.