Windows 10 Server

I started to learn linux server when i encountered my first killing bug on Owncloud on Windows Server 2012.
I do not regret it at all.

Now Linux for me is everything :
My servers ? linux
My OS on my macbook pro ? linux
My services ? All on a linux server.

It’s really nice, come on give it a try by looking for online courses, tutorials, learning videos…


The problem with the character set can be fixed quite easily. Okay, if the developers only know Linux then it will be difficult. But a developer should be able to think outside the box to understand such things. And if you fix the character set problem, owncloud / nextcloud runs quite stable without data loss.

Afaik wsl started supporting linux filesystems, this may fix the problem from the other side. Probably worth a try… however, i can fully understand why windows servers are not supported by the devs, while there may be some small fixable problems, the major part of the internet and datacenters run on linux or other unixoids, it just is not worth the effort. Also private people intersted in running their cloud on their own hardware are better of by using a linux os anyway.

@FadeFx Hmm, you actually gave me an idea… I wonder if it would be possible to install the Nextcloud VM in WSL - using the install scripts ofc.

I mean WSL is basically a VM already, nested into Windows - right?

Maybe I should spin up a Windows 10 client just to test, hehe :slight_smile:

Not sure, but wsl is basically as the name says a subsystem, i guess it is similar to x86 support in x64 windows, not a vm. I think running a vm in wsl will not be much different from running it in windows directly

Anyone know how I can make a volume for nextlcloud docker (Windows)

There is a simply guide: How to install Nextcloud server on Windows 10 - H2S Media
So you have to enable Linux subsystem then you have to download ubuntu 18 LTS [270MB] and install as you would on linux system using console.