Will Nextcloud be "inviting" to distribution packages?

WRT Debian packages, @morph027 has been so kind to create them and is keeping them up to date: http://repo.morph027.de/nextcloud.php

I’m adding it to our install page. Fedora, @James_Hogarth - are you over on Nextcloud, if so where should I link to? https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/jhogarth/NextCloud/ for now?

Hi guys,

@jospoortvliet - Sorry this took a while but there was a bit of $life in the way for a couple of months and we wanted to be rigorous with the packaging from the start rather than go through the major refactoring again that we had with owncloud.

There are now nextcloud 10 packages that have been approved and in the testing repositories for Fedora and EPEL7


The package includes migration instructions from owncloud if there is an existing instance you want to convert and a more detailed write up is available here:


We’re now hard at work with the newer dependencies needed for nextcloud 11 (symfony 3+ being the biggest one we are working on) and there will be an update to that in due course.

The packages should reach the stable Fedora repos in about a week and EPEL7 stable in about a fortnight.

Thanks for your patience with this and if there’s any issues you encounter with these packages please do report them at the Fedora bug tracker: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/nextcloud/bugs/




Great news!
Will it be available for CentOS either? :slight_smile:

It is in the EPEL7 repos so easy to install on CentOS/RHEL 7

Due to PHP version limitations I can’t build this there on EL6

Do note that with the min PHP version being bumped in nextcloud 12 to 5.6 there cannot be an EPEL7 package for that then.

I’m not 100% sure if I’ll continue to maintain nextcloud 11 in EPEL7 for as long as it gets updates or if it’ll be retired at that point - but that’s still some way off and I’ll have an article with the options available to people nearer the time of that event.


Now that we have nextcloud 12, what is the strategy to get it packaged on Fedora ?

Taking in consideration that only nextcloud 10 has been packaged with Fedora 26, this is becoming quiet weird !

Is the best to go away from Fedora packaging and use directly the tar ball ?

This is indeed very very bad. Nextcloud 10 is EOL with the last public release in August, it shouldn’t even have landed in a new Fedora release! This just confirms the low quality (aka Red Hat playground) of this distribution to allow something like that.

It would be better to remove the package and use the official tarball to be on the safe side.

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