Will my restore process work?

Nextcloud version (eg, 29.0.5): 30.0.0
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 24.04): Debian bookworm
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): Apache 2.4
PHP version (eg, 8.3): 8.3
MariaDB: 10.11

I did a fresh OS install, installing everything new and more updated. Restored the nextclouddb, used my old nextcloud config.php.

I can access Nextcloud via browser, log in with my previous users and access the files. Apart from some apps that are not available on NC30, everything seems to work.

Will I be able to sync with without issue? So far I haven’t used the Nextcloud android and MacOS app to sync, because I’m worried it’ll mess something up, if I replace the system behind NC the way I did.

Nextcloud did force an upgrade on me, the first time I opened it, which according to the logs updated the nextclouddb to new schemas.

Previous version from which I imported the config and db:
OS: 18.04
PHP: 8.1
MariaDB: 10.4

From what you described, seems fine. I would maybe tighten up your restore procedure so that you do not update/upgrade until after you’ve successfully restored.

It worked this time since you deployed 30.0.0 it sounds like (which happens to have a clean upgrade path from 29.0.7). Though it’s unclear whether you wanted to upgrade to v30.

Besides it not being possible to restore some versions against older databases (if the gap is big enough), you probably don’t want to bump versions up at the same time you’re doing a restore… it’ll just give you more to troubleshoot and introduce additional unknowns into the recovery situation.

There are also some chapters covering backups, restores, moving to new servers, etc that you may find of interest: