Whitelist for IP adress still exists?

Hello everyone,

I’m not sure it’s a bug or a former functionality that’s doesn’t exists anymore.

I’m looking for the way to add a IP adress on a whitelist, to avoid users (on the same network, sharing the IP) to wait when someone made a mistake.

I saw that it was on app bruteforcesettings GitHub - nextcloud/bruteforcesettings: 🕵 Allow admins to configure the brute force settings but this app was integrated on Nextcloud since version 25.
But there is no place to set IP adress for a whitelist.

For the moment, the only way to bypass this issue is the occ command sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ security:bruteforce:reset xx.x.xx.xx

Should i report a bug ?

Thanks in advance,


I’m not sure, but it may not be enabled by default, in which case, the following command should help:

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ app:enable bruteforcesettings

Yes !
Thank youuuu :heart:

Ok so message here was confusing Brute-force settings - Apps - App Store - Nextcloud

“App is now released alongside with Nextcloud core, thus this page is deprecated.”

because you still need to have the app and enable it !


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Yep, it’s still a separate app which is already pre-installed but apparently not enabled.

I think it’s enabled by default but i have an “old” instance and I think i remember that we disable it some years ago (not sure)

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