Which version? Now running AIO with 100+ users

We came across the 100 user limit of our AIO docker installation. To which version can we migrate?

Now: VM ubuntu 22.04.03 LTS / Docker AIO 7.7.1 with AD integration & caddy reverse proxy

All is fine, but we cannot add users. What is the recommended upgrade path? We are just using onlyoffice and filesharing.

Thank you.

you can choose every version which fits your needs, from bare-metal over virtual machine to docker/snap appliances. Most of them a little harder to setup initially but offer much more flexibility afterwards. Running 100+ installation I assume you have good IT support you can count on.

The recommended way is to contact Nextcloud GmbH in order to get a quote: All-in-one - Nextcloud

So this is not a hard limit but can be upgraded through enterprise license without migration ?

Yes indeed :+1:

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