Which URL do I need to get the Free/Busy data from Nextcloud 13

Which URL do I need to get the Free/Busy data from Nextcloud 13

I plan to integrate FreeBusy into my Outlook.

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Hello all,

It’s also not obvious to me how to get the free-busy URL to give others. Any help appreciated!

tarek : )

It’s not yet supported. If you want to chip in some coins the make free/busy support happen, do so at Bountysource. There is a bounty for it which is gaining momentum right now… https://www.bountysource.com/issues/39954053-free-busy-support-for-scheduling-meetings

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From what georgehrke said, it is the wrong place. Some basis for this work seems implemented since NC13. Now there needs to be some improvement on the server side

and maybe later in the Outlook plugin.

So if we want to push this feature it might be better to put a bounty on the principal property search (see link above).

Is this feature still not implemented?
I am working in a team with different email clients, all synchronizing their calendar with nextcloud calendar app. The nextcloud is hosted by an external provider. This works fine for outlook (with caldavsynchronizer) and for thunderbird. For thunderbird also the free/busy information is shown when planning an appointment, but I have no information on the URL of the free/busy-Server. This is what I need to integrate this feature into outlook.



Same Question !

It was implemented in NC 16:

OK, how do I use it in Outlook or Thunderbird?
As far I know I need a URL that ship this information for that.

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As @Mannshoch asked, how can I share only the free/busy status of my calendar with some else?

In the pull request, it was stated:

This will extend FreeBusy support for KDE-PIM and Evolution.

So, I suppose you can test it with these.

He wanted to know for outlook or thunderbird, that I don’t know. I’d look around thunderbird, if that is implemented. Perhaps it is a different implementation, perhaps there is a bug, perhaps you need some plugin, …

Actually, it should be a general setting when sharing my calendar with another user:

For the sake of privacy, it should be my choice how I want to share my calendar with others.

Meaning, the sharing URL is always the same (e.g. https://my.domain.com/remote.php/dav/calendars/<username>/personal/) and my setting determines how much information the other user can retrieve.

Best regards,

You can define for each event, what the shared users can see of the event. So you can put a business meeting where you share details and a private event after where it is just shown as busy.

I didn’t design it, I just look at it and try to understand it. To get more details, I’d check the bug tracker for more details. There are perhaps feature request that ask for improvement/changes and you might see what was already implemented.

@tflidd, thank you for your answer!

Yes, I know it can be set on event-level - which is useful if one usually share all calendar details with another user. However, it should still be possible to limit event details on a general level.

My Case.

I sync my work calendar from company to Nextcloud ( Caldavsynchronizer) from there I share the calendar to my wife, so she know If I’m out of office or how I work. For this case I definitive do not have a need to share the content of my calendar. Same goes for Club activity. I get them shared and reshare them to my wife.

The Nextcloud Calendar webpage is never used for Creating Calendar event. I use Mobile phone (DAVx5), Thunderbird and Outlook.
A club use the Nextcloud Calendar webpage read only shared for showing it on their Website.