Where to find sources of the ransomware detection app?


In the description of https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/ransomware_detection app it’s being mentioned to be sponsored by the Ministry of Education in Germany. However, I can’t find a code repository or a reference to it in the internet.
Can somebody help me to verify if the app is from a trustworthy source as well as a documentation about how the app works overall?


What about these repositories:

Hi @j-ed

Thanks for your response. I seems we can be relatively certain about the App is in the https://github.com/undo-ransomware/ransomware_detection repository. As I’ve downloaded the source I got initially confused that the readme in the dowloaded sources from the App Store is different than the one on the github repository.

https://github.com/nextcloud/ransomware_protection on the other hand is certainly a different app.

I hope the information is of use for others as well !

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