Where to configure SIP-Dialin in the HPB?


I’m really struggling to find any information how to configure the SIP DialIn / connection to a SIP server/provider for Nextcloud Talk.

What I know so far:

  • HPB is required which I have running and which is fully working
  • The “SIP-Bridge” must be configured to connect to the HPB

But the SIP-Bridge is the part which I don’t find in the HPB project, neither in the code nor any kind of docs where to find and how to configure this SIP-Bridge.

Can someone help me where to find this infoamrtion?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey, the SIP component is separate from HPB and is currently not open sourced, see SIP bridge · Issue #23 · strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling · GitHub


so you can’t use SIP DialIn at all? :flushed:

Interesting why it is mentioned everywhere … :thinking: