When trying to update from the Update app page the nextcloud redirects to homepage

I am at 20.0.4 and I try to update to Nextcloud 20.0.7

I am at the page /index.php/settings/admin/overview and when I click on Open Update App then I am redirected to /index.php/apps/dashboard/

Please advise.

Is anyone here please?

Hi @changlee, I don’t know how to solve the issue pour you can acces to the updater page by using xxxxxx.xxx/index.php/updater/ and follow the instruction to have access to the updater page

That exactly is the problem.
The /index.php/updater/ redirects to /index.php/apps/dashboard

…making some PHP server upgrades now.

I’m facing the same issue.

Find a posible solution here but at I only find index.php and updater.phar files, no .step

@b1tdreamer have you try this command line indise the folder ???

ls -la