When installing collectives the user management is damaged

Installed Collectives and Circles. When both activated I’m not able to manage new or existing Users. The List of Users is not accessible.

Could be a bug… it does not happen with either app installed alone? Versions? Logs?

Nextcloud is: 28.0.4

when activated both apps I get in the protocol

Fehler no app in context
OCA\Circles\Model\Circle::getInitiator(): Return value must be of type OCA\Circles\Model\Member, null returned in file ‘/var/www/vhosts/datadomain.de/httpdocs/apps/circles/lib/Model/Circle.php’ line 591
Exception thrown: Exception

15.04.2024, 11:36:01

Fehler text
No permission to access this file
No permission to access this file

I found this topic, does it help you?

oh - nice. Deleting overwrite cli helped.
But now I get the message:

Could not fetch collectives
FederatedUser is not complete when I start collectives

Ok thank’s for the hint.
That helped a lot.
I’ve set the cli url now to the domain and it works.

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