What is the provider_id and how do I obtain it?

sudo -u php occ twofactor:disable <provider_id>

What is the provider id and how do I obtain it?

I’m running Nextcloud in docker if that matters at all.

You can run "occ twofactorauth:state <user>" to get all enabled and disabled providers of a user displayed.

If you are dealing with LDAP users, you would have first to get the real user ID:

sudo -u www-data php occ ldap:search "test1"

test1 (348c2c8e-d81a-1037-88b0-bde66f992a00)

Then perform the occ command to get the provider_id for the specified user:

sudo -u www-data php occ twofactorauth:state 348c2c8e-d81a-1037-88b0-bde66f992a00

Two-factor authentication is enabled for user 348c2c8e-d81a-1037-88b0-bde66f992a00

Enabled providers:

  • backup_codes
  • totp

And eventually disable TOTP for this user:

sudo -u www-data php occ twofactor:disable 348c2c8e-d81a-1037-88b0-bde66f992a00 totp

Two-factor provider totp disabled for user 348c2c8e-d81a-1037-88b0-bde66f992a00.

Check new 2FA state for this user:

sudo -u www-data php occ twofactorauth:state 348c2c8e-d81a-1037-88b0-bde66f992a00

Two-factor authentication is enabled for user 348c2c8e-d81a-1037-88b0-bde66f992a00

Enabled providers:

  • backup_codes

Disabled providers:

  • totp

Thanks, this helped in fixing this issue.

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