What directories should be retained for a proper NC backup?


Usually, I try to stick to the official documentation as much as possible. For creating backups the admin manual tells the following:

To backup a Nextcloud installation there are four main things you need to retain:

  1. The config folder
  2. The data folder
  3. The theme folder
  4. The database

And here comes my question:

Why does it seem like that most of all NC admins (according to the web) backup the whole web directory


and not just



It really confuses me that most of the blogs and descriptions found in the internet elsewhere differ from the official documentation.

It’s just simpler to do all of it. I mean ideally you would back up the entire server. What’s listed in the manual is the bare minimum needed to rebuild your server.

I experimented a little with it and I don’t agree that this is enough to entirely recover my “NC instance”. But maybe it depends on the definition of the term “NC instance”.

What about apps?
It seems that doing only the bare minimum as described above will not entirely recover the apps - for example the calendar app. In this case after restoring from a backup the ability to access the calendar is gone even though the app menu tells me that the app activated. Only reinstalling the app manually recovers the app and the calendar entries.

Of course I’m very new to NC and I likely missed some important point here.

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