Please open a new thread and post all your server information (NC version, web server, DB, …).
Also needed are web server config and NC config (please remove confidential data like PWs, salt, …).
For best possibilities to analyze the problem logs are very important.
NC log
web server log
The issue template gives a good hint what to use. There is also an app to open a case directly from your server that automatically provides some information:
Chances are low that you receive a solution quickly.
You only filled half of the requested info in the template. The really important things are missing.
I suggested to open an new thread here in the forum because other users can probably help already and you don’t have to wait for the developers.
I believe you have a configuration issue and this can be analyzed here in the forum pretty well. Of course only if you provide the necessary information like logs and configs.
Apart from that we are spamming another thread right now, which we shouldn’t do.