Webinar Registration at Nextcloud Events Website does not seem to work (?)

I registered myself and a few colleagues for the webinar “Orchestrating Data
and Optimising Workflows with Nextcloud Tables” 2 days ago.

I did this via the registration form on the Nextcloud homepage after clicking
the button in the email coming from Nextcloud. But so far I have not received any confirmation emails. Is this correct and will they come later or did something go
technically wrong?

I also registered for a past webinar to be able to watch/download it. Again,
no mail was received. Nothing ended up in the spam folder. Are there any
technical problems at the moment?

Let me check if you’re signed up, Frank.

Ok, you need my Mail?

zzb-saar I guess - if so I have it. Puzzling out the CRM, sorry, I’m not a super wizz, but our wizz is a day off so while I can’t check the email I can make sure you’re registered. I think :see_no_evil:

Thanks, , no it’s ....@zbb-saar.de

yeah, got it, you are in:

I will try to see why you got no confirmation email but you can rest assured you’re registered!

Thank you very much.
I even registered collegues as well.
There should be a few more from zbb-saar.de.

And later i registered a older Webinar for download. There too, no Email with a download link or so arrived here

that doesn’t sound good, I see you in the system a few more times, seems something might be wrong. We’ll look into it and I’ll ask sales to share you the webinars etc that you want. Expect an email!

for those checking - the system wasn’t sending any emails. Restarting some service fixed that - we are trying to find out if we can put monitoring on that, it has happened before.

Ahh thanks for the info. Then it was good that I reported it :slight_smile: I received the confirmations for the webinars this morning. THANK YOU