Webdav limit file size

greetings to all

I would like to know if there are any parameters in the webdav, to limit the weight of the files in upload, I would like to set it for 1 GB per file.
via browser I edited the file php.ini

I await your answers / explanations / tutorials anything to make me understand how I can change these parameters

Thank you very much!


the tutorial talks about more
I need to know how to configure the webdav where I can change the parameters

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@MrDzDm were you able to ever resolve this? I am dealing with the same issue. I can upload over web portal any size, but when dealing with webdav still limited to the default 100mb.

never solved and never been helped to solve

Anyone offer any advice here? I’m also dealing with what appears to be a file size upload limit using webdav on grapheneos. Im trying to upload a 1 gb file to my tab digital private cloud server

Did you check link from above?

I did upload bigger files per webdav and never has any problem here. There are at least 2 Points to look on:

  1. File size is limited by PHP memory
  2. Session Timeout is limited by you network connection speed. So even if you give 16Gb of mem, but your connection is slow so that upload takes few hours it will fail.
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This helped me on Windows:


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