Weather Status: Default Location

Regarding the “weather status” app (shown on the dashboard per default): Is it possible to either

  1. set a default location for all/new users, or
  2. to set the location per user via the occ command?

Most of our users reside in the same city, so it would be very helpful to have this preconfigured.

Nextcloud 21.0.3

Checking the code of that app (server/apps/weather_status at master · nextcloud/server · GitHub) there currently does not seem to be a default option yet. But I agree it would be a nice thing to have, probably setting it through the config.php or OCC would suffice.

I opened a corresponding Issue: server#27908.

Would be glad if you leave a +1 there :slight_smile:

For anyone stumbling upon this thread:
It is actually possible to set weather status location programmatically via the occ command per user:

occ user:setting -- $user weather_status address "$City, $Country"
occ user:setting -- $user weather_status altitude $altitude
occ user:setting -- $user weather_status lat $latitude
occ user:setting -- $user weather_status lon $longitude
occ user:setting -- $user weather_status mode 2

The correct values can determined e.g. from another user where the desired location has already been set via the GUI:

occ user:setting -- $user_where_already_set weather_status
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