Was support for Odroid boards dropped?


I noticed that the recent releases of the nextcloudPi images did not contain images for Odroid boards in general and the odroid-HC4 specifically anymore.
Was the support (release of images) for Odroid boards dropped? Or is there another reason why no images for that type of board was published?

Thank you

Hi, is this issue from you? Latest Odroid HC4 image (1.52.0) does not boot · Issue #1815 · nextcloud/nextcloudpi · GitHub

Yes, it is.
I asked though since I noticed that after 1.52.0 more images were released for other boards (like raspberry pi and rock pi).

@just Is it relevant if the issue is from me or not?
If yes in what sense?

In keeping track of the discussion between the forum and github. I have not tested any Odroid models since the C2 from around 2018, so it is good to know.

Ah, I see.
If you need some info/some output or so about this model, feel free to ask. If possible I’ll happily provide it