php-updater --list-installed tells me that I have two SAPIs installed, nginx and apache2, and suggests that I un-install the one I’m not using, namely apache2.
Trying sudo apt remove apache2 results in a message saying apache2 is not installed, then exits…
Yes, I restarted the webserver (sudo systemctl restart nginx).
I noticed that php-updater --list-installed had an entry saying:
SAPI php8.1-fpm im
\listening on unix socket /run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock <<NOT CONNECTED
and a similar entry for PHP8.3
SAPI php8.3-fpm im
\listening on unix socket /run/php/php8.3-fpm.sock <<NOT CONNECTED
Yes. I reached the end of the script pressing only the ‘continue’ option, but I didn’t see any information saying that it was configuring nginx, just a suggestion to remove apache2. Do you think that, since I can’t just uninstall apche2, that disabling the apache modules might work?
samps@xps:~$ sudo systemctl --no-pager list-unit-files apache2*
apache2.service masked enabled
1 unit files listed.
I don’t actually recall installing the libapache2-mod-php module, or Apache… This server was set up when Jammy was only young and it will eventually be replaced. I just wanted to get it to an error-free state before I attempt a dist-upgrade to see if everything is compatible with the current LTS Ubuntu
Even if your problem is solved. It would be interesting to know which operating system (e.g. Ubuntu) and which operating system version (e.g. 24.04 LTS) you are using. It looks like you added the PHP sources manually. This is often not necessary. Have you also uninstalled the old PHP version or do you still need it?
You’re right. I didn’t leave much info about my setup.
My Nextcloud installation is running on Ubuntu 22.04LTS, upgraded from a 20.04 version where Nextcloud was originally installed, so quite a few versions of NC has been through, each probably leaving little marks behind. Anyway, I can no longer remember when or how PHP entered my setup. It’s sorta like “it’s always been there” and I gues that the last time it was upgraded was during the ‘dist-upgrade’ to Ubu22.04LTS.
I’ve manually removed a 7.x version from my setup a few years ago but I still have PHP8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 (current active version), as well as a PHP8.4, which I haven’t yet activated because it’s not supported by NC30. I doubt that I’ll be needing the 8.1 and 8.2 versions for anything but I’m affraid of jinxing things if I remove them…