VM works via local IP but domain access shows only the Welcome screen

I am running the Hansson IT AB virtual machine in VirtualBox. I have a domain pointing to my house. I have an NGINX reverse proxy set up.

I can access Nextcloud normally via (shows invalid certificate locally but thatā€™s probably ok)

The problem: if I try to access it via h t t p s://cloud.mydomain.com, I get the first time welcome screen and not the login screen I get via local IP. It looks like all the ports are forwarded properly and the NGINX reverse proxy is properly set up (identical to another reverse proxy setup for another VM instance of Nextcloud). I set up a Letā€™s Encrypt cert from the NGINX virtual machine and it appears to work since Iā€™m getting to the website through the domain name, itā€™s just the initial set up page and not the Nextcloud normal login page. So I think itā€™s something to do with the Nextcloud install itself.

This is what it says:

" Thank you for downloading the Nextcloud VM, you made a good choice! If you see this page, you have run the first setup, and you are now ready to start using Nextcloud on your new server. Congratulations! :slight_smile:

We have prepared everything for you, and the only thing you have to do now is to login. You can find login details further down in this page.

Donā€™t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. You can ask for help in our community [support](h t t p s://help.nextcloud.com/c/support/appliances-docker-snappy-vm) channels, or buy hands on support from T&M Hansson IT AB. You can also check the [documentation](h t t p s ://docs.hanssonit.se/s/W6fMouPiqQz3_Mog/virtual-machines-vm/d/W7Du9uPiqQz3_Mr1/nextcloud-vm-machine-configuration).

Access Nextcloud

Use the following address:

  • [ht t p s://cloud.xxxxxx.com](h t t p s://cloud.xxxxx.com/) (HTTPS)

Note: Please accept the warning in the browser if you have a self-signed certificate.

Itā€™s recommended to [get your own certificate and replace the self-signed certificate to your own.](h t t p s ://docs.hanssonit.se/s/W6fMouPiqQz3_Mog/virtual-machines-vm/d/W6-83ePiqQz3_MrT/publish-your-server-online) The easiest way to get a real TLS certificate is to run the Letsā€™ Encrypt script included on this server.
Just run ā€˜sudo bash /var/scripts/menu.shā€™ from your CLI and choose Server Configuration ā†’ Activate TLS."ā€¦


Please run the included TLS setup which is automated:


That will automatically setup your server and point to the Nextcloud login page.