Using Ubuntu Snap Install Add PHP Module

Is there a way to install the Imagick module on a Ubuntu snap install?


Yes… but is it possible to install it? :wink:

Btw. the FAQ doesn’t answer the question it asks itself either. :wink:

Nextcloud Snap shows security and setup warnings. What can I do?

It doesn’t say that you can’t do nothing, just that imagick is not included. So the question remains: “Can you install it?”

Short answer: Presumably, yes.
Longer answer:
Will this work? No idea, did not test it.

Should you try it it? Probably not.
Will it survive updates? No.


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Thank you for your answer. I will consider your questions to see if I should attempt this.

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a brief look tells me maybe I should redo my install and not use the snap version :slight_smile:

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This FAQ was very helpful too. Thanks

Probably. But I still think that for a simple ‘one click’ or ‘one command’ solution that can do most or many things ‘out of the box’, the Snap is actually pretty good. However, if you want to be able to control as many things as possible yourself, a manual installation would be the way to go.

In between, there is also the Nextcloud AIO and the Community Docker Images that you might want to take a look at.

And of course my post making fun of the FAQ was a bit cheeky (sometimes I just can’t help myself), but I always try to add useful information, even in posts like this :slight_smile:

Q: Nextcloud snap shows security & setup warnings. What can I do?

Imagick PHP module not enabled

This warning is only a suggestion. The theming app uses Imagick to generate favicons. The theming app works fine without the Imagick PHP module enabled, but this may differ from system to system.

The Nextcloud snap does not ship the Imagick PHP module as imagick is a security concern.

Imagick is a security concern, and as such isn’t enabled on purpose. You see this warning if you enable the theming app, because the theming app uses it to generate favicons. As a result, that particular feature (favicon generation) isn’t possible while using the snap.

what is unclear?




the simple answer to your question is:
yes, fork the project, include imagick, create your snap…

similar requests have been made in the past and discussed on our github. but our devs have made that decision and we’re doing fine without imagick so far.

but that is not the simple one liner you’re looking for right?

the question that arises is; “what feature are you missing?” maybe we can help with a workaround?

as far as the warning is concerned, there’s nothing we can do about that since its an upstream warning which we cannot change in the snap.

Thanks for all of the replies. I am new to this and did not realize I needed to check the solution to ‘close’ the question. Much appreciated! The FAQ was actually satisfactory for me as I was just trying to clean up the warnings and ‘suggestions’ in the security center, assuming that Imagick was needed.

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Well, there are appearently hacky ways to install things into running snaps. Not sure if they actually work though.

Ok maybe that information was not all that useful, after all. :wink:

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