User Provisioning API - PUT Method problems

Nextcloud 11 Debian Jessie Apache 2.4 PHP 7


I’m using RESTful API with no problems with GET, POST and DELETE methods but having two types of problem with PUT method .

Getting HTTP 401 and Statuscode 997 when using requests module of python and PUT

def Put(cls, instruction, params = {}, verbose = False):
    url = cls.Base_URL + instruction
    headers = {'OCS-APIRequest' : 'true','Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
    r = requests.put(url = url, headers = headers, data = params, auth = (cls.user, cls.password))
    return r

Everything is OK when using requests module of python and POST

def Post(cls, instruction, params = {}, verbose = False):
    url = cls.Base_URL + instruction
    headers = {'OCS-APIRequest' : 'true','Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
    r = = url, headers = headers, data = params, auth = (cls.user, cls.password))
    return r

or with curl

curl -v -X PUT -H “OCS-APIRequest:true” https://admin:xxx@mynextcloud/ocs/v1.php/cloud/users/CWatts -d key=“quota” -d value=“10G”

Instructions ENABLE or DISABLE ignored with both python and curl

Statuscode is OK but the call has no effect

Thanks for help ! :slight_smile: