User and Shared folder manage

Hi, I’m new at nextcloud platform and i find it great! but I need some help to make it perfect for my goal.

I work in a firm which has many branch office. Any branch has many customer with which needs to exchange files.

Now I’ve found all the option to create groups and allow the user of a group to share files and folder only with his group users (I disabled also the autofill in order to reduce the possibility for any customer to find other customer, it isn’t the perfection but it reduce the problems).

The 2 things that will be resolve all my problem will be the following:

  1. I wuold like to make only the group administrator able to share folders to others users of his group;

  2. I wuold like to allow the users to works only in their shared folder, disallowing them to create files and folder outside the shared from his group admin.

Another thing that i would like so much will be the possibility to delete the example file when i create a new user and skip the splash page for new user

Thanks a lot to everyone

What you are describing is not particularly unusual, and can be done with NC and GroupFolders. One option described below; may not be quite what you want, but start with that basic setup and describe what else you need.

You could establish a setup something like this:-

  • Two groups created, one for Regular Users, one for Admin Users
  • There is a folder (call it “TopFolder”) to which members of an internal group have R/W access.
  • There are subfolders in TopFolder, one for each customer,
    • The internal regular users Group can have R/W to all the subfolders.
    • Each external customer has read/write access to their folder via an “anyone with this link can access this folder” type link

You could apply permissions to TopFolder using Group Folders

  • Members of internal Regular Users group have Read, Write but NOT Share
  • Members of Admin Users have Read, Write and Share - only the Admin users can establish the shared folders with which to deal with customers.

If the customers are divided into a number of categories you could create one setup as described above for each category of customer, one folder like “TopFolder” for each category of customer.