Use Case: Custom Properties

Hi. In the App Store, there is this Custom Properties app. The Custom Properties described as “to add custom properties to files and folders”.

Can anyone advice and show with images:

  1. How can I use Custom Properties?
  2. Can i add additional properties into the file, say “Contract Expiry”, “Days Before Notification”, “EMail Address(es) To Notify”, etc etc
  3. Can the Workflow app (ie. Flow Notification) and use the NEW Custom Properties as above to do a schedule run once a day to check IF ( “Contract Expiry” - Today ) <= “Days Before Notification” and send out a email to all in “EMail Address(es) To Notify”.

Thanks and regards

A description of the app and ins function can be found in the app specific GizHub repository:

Noted on the description at Github.

Is there a way to use the custom properties with other apps like Workflow or Flow Notification?

Most likely not. How should these apps know anything about custom properties?

I was hoping the other apps will have integration capabilities with the other apps, especially with Flow Notifications or Workflow.

Its ok then. Tq for yr replies