USB drive mount

Hi there,
i have a Raspi3b+ up and running with the NextcloudPi OS on the SD card and a USB drive as filestorage.
Due to issues i made a fresh NetcloudPi installation und want to mount my USB drive again, because that’s where my files are.

In the console I see that the USB seems to be mounted already, but how am i getting it back into Nextcloud?


USB drive seems to be a sda1 → /media/myCloudDrive

Is it possible to get the stick back to my new NextcloudPi Installation?

Thanks for helping me out!

OS ist up2date, btw

in /media/myCloudDrive, do you see all the users and their files?

Your USB drive was mounted at the same location before I suppose?

What exactly is not working when you try to open your Nextcloud? What kind of error? If you don’t see anything in the browser or just some error, please check the webserver logfiles.