Uprading PHP in TrueNAS iocage

I know, I knowā€¦someone is about to say something about how many posts there are on topics related to thisā€¦and Iā€™ve spent many hours trying to find what I need to no avail. And I also realize this is Christmas Day and Iā€™m also scratching my head wondering why Iā€™m spending the evening spinning my wheels on this. Thankfully, my NC service is for personal use and Iā€™m not supporting anyone but myself. :wink:
So hereā€™s my scenario - Iā€™ve installed NC on an iocage jail in TrueNAS and am using nginx. In the admin section of the UI itā€™s been nagging me to upgrade from php 8.0 to at least 8.1. Iā€™m attempting 8.2 so I donā€™t have to do this again in the near future.
Iā€™m fairly green when it comes to hosting, so Iā€™ve had to ask the interwebs quite a bit just to get this far. But I find myself at an impasse. The following is what I have done thus far:

  1. Made snapshots of my NC jail (I didnā€™t just fall off the turnip truck)
  2. shelled into the jail and performed: pkg info | grep php to get the list of php extensions being used
  3. performed pkg install php82 php82-bcmath php82-bz2 php82-ctype... through the entire list of nearly 30 packages. This simultaneously installed the new and removed the old for each one. There was one package that did not have a package in 8.2. That was pecl-imagick. so I had to skip that one.
  4. service nginx restart

All I get is 404 error no matter what. Iā€™ve also completely stopped/restarted the entire jail.
From reading other guides, it seems there could be some references to php 8.0 that need to be updated in 8.2 in conf files possibly. But I canā€™t seem to find any references like that - most of the posts Iā€™ve read have been for people using apache. So Iā€™m hoping someone knows something very simple that Iā€™m overlooking.

BTW, I also tried upgrading from outside the iocage using: iocage exec nextcloud pkg upgrade iocage exec nextcloud pkg install php82...
Got the same result this wayā€¦well and it actually upgraded a few other things along the way. But the end result was still 404.

Merry Christmas all! Thanks in advance for any help.

Iā€™ve spent countless hours researching this and trying different things and have come up empty. Iā€™m starting to think the best thing is for me to just create a new jail and NC instance from scratch with the upgrade to php82 and then migrate config/data over into it. Maybe that will work??? I have no idea if the NC app package included with TrueNAS is updated or not, but will give it a shot. As far as migration is concerned, hopefully that wonā€™t be too bad, right? lol. I mean how hard can it be for a newb to migrate data from one iocage to another? :slight_smile:
Iā€™ll post here with updates in case anyone ever comes across this with the same issues.