Upload Failed File Not Found on Android Mobile Client

Hey everyone, new to next cloud and I’m having an issue that I’m sure has been covered somewhere but after trying to search the forums and GitHub pages for several days off and on I haven’t found a thread with my exact problem listed or troubleshooting steps.

So, I have Nextcloud on a self hosted VM running on Proxmox. The VM is Debian and is running Docker Desktop (I’m more of a visual person than a server CLI person). I used the Docker AIO instruction (tweaked a bit for my system) and got my Nextcloud up and operational being NginxPM per the proxy instructions. I also have it linked to a subdomain of cloud.mywebsite.net. I can access the system perfectly fine from desktop or mobile apps and I have the windows desktop client installed as well and can access it there.

I have noticed that when I take a new picture or download a new file or something on my Android Phone, the app immediately attempts to upload it as I have all my auto upload folders enabled.
Settings for all Auto upload folder:
Auto upload - Enabled
Remote folder - /InstantUpload/camera (or whatever folder it is if not camera IE: /InstantUpload/Documents or something)
Only upload on unmetered Wi-Fi - Checked
Only upload when charging - unchecked
Also upload existing files - Checked
Use Subfolders - Unchecked
Original files will be… - kept in original folder
What to do if the file already exists? - overwrite remote version (without this checked I was getting file upload failed errors on every file no matter whether they were on the server or not)

When I take a new picture or add a new document/download or something the Auto Upload notification appears almost immediately and starts the upload process. It seems to upload the item but as soon as it reaches 100% the error “Upload Failed File Not Found” appears. If I go back to Auto upload screen to check settings, the new file or image shows in the preview of that folder but it does not upload to the server. I can manually transfer to the server though.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I’m very new to Nextcloud and I’m hoping its a setting somewhere or something but please let me know if anything jumps out at you. If you need logs or for me to test something, please let me know where they are or how to test and I’ll gladly provide the output.

Thanks again!!

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I have the same setup and I’m running into the same issue. I have 4000+ files that just keep attempting to upload then fail with the error “Upload Failed File Not Found”.

I see that this issue will be closed in 6 days, but I’m hopeful there might be a solution.

Interestingly, I noticed that the files that were all failing were in the Camera folder, but when I looked on my instance, that folder wasn’t even being created. I manually created the DCMI/Camera folder and suddenly it was able to start uploading again. I don’t understand why the system wasn’t creating that folder, and that’s definitely a problem as if an app decides to create a new folder and can’t upload, I may not notice that the sync isn’t working until I need those files remotely.

It looks like this issue, but the comments say it was fixed. Maybe it’s a regression? Autoupload does not create new subfolders · Issue #3484 · nextcloud/android · GitHub

Sure enoughit seems the auto upload is having trouble creating new subdirectories for every subdirectory it encounters.

(Edit 2)

I’ve created a bug report on the nextcloud/android repository since the other one linked above was closed. You can find that report here: Android Client Auto Upload fails to create new subdirectories. · Issue #14465 · nextcloud/android · GitHub

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