Upload errors expected file size

Good day

yes I would like to resolve those intermittend problems. For instance, just a couple minutes ago, I uploaded a ton of photos from my phone using the Android client, and now I have in my logs three entries:

this is very annoying, as now always a warning is shown on the settings page. And further, I do not understand the error message, as I find all of my files successfully uploaded and none of it is missing, so why then does it complain?

For this reason I wanted to put the files directly into the data directory.
(OK, in this particular case, with the Android phone, it would not have worked, but the same problem occurs when I use the web GUI on the desktop PC).

For the filesize errors, there are different limits in the webserver and php, if they do not match, you often get these errors. In the documentation, there are hints where to finde them: