Upload big files, logged in ok, with shared link error


there is a strange problem with NC 29.0.2: if I logged in I can upload every file until 20GB. If I try to upload a big file in a clean browser without logged in, I got “lost connection”, server log (first translatet, second in oriiginal german language):

[no app in context] Error: Expected file size of 4932763648 bytes, but 0 bytes read (from Nextcloud client) and written (to Nextcloud storage). This can either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.
PUT /public.php/dav/files/HR5Rr4scxxxxxxE/Windows10_64bit_20H2_30-11-2020.iso
from 87.121.xxx.xxx by - at Jun 10, 2024, 5:02:22 PM

[no app in context] Error: Erwartete Dateigröße von 4932763648 bytes, aber 0 bytes gelesen (vom Nextcloud-Client) und geschrieben (in den Nextcloud-Speicher). Dies kann entweder ein Netzwerkproblem auf der sendenden Seite oder ein Problem beim Schreiben in den Speicher auf der Serverseite sein.
PUT /public.php/dav/files/HR5Rr4scxxxxxxE/Windows10_64bit_20H2_30-11-2020.iso
from 87.121.xxx.xxx by – at Jun 10, 2024, 5:02:22 PM

The php.ini (Php8.2, Apache2, Debian 12) have this options:

post_max_size = 20000M
upload_max_filesize = 20000M

any ideas whats wrong? The strange thing is, if I’m logged in, everything works. I have also a green hook - everything should be ok? And there are enough space left on the device.

The solution is LimitRequestBody 0 in the Apache2 configuration

If you make a new post, you can mark the post as solution. I’ll add a solution for nginx:

And the linked issue reveals that on public upload links, it does no chunked upload like it does for normal users (or users with guest account). If you want to support the feature, you can give the first post a thumbs up!

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