I’m using a single user version of Nextcloud 20.7 operating on my Windows 10 PC. Installed from Softaculous on my Providers server Zen UK.
It tells me that I should upgrade to version 23, but when I try to do that I’m told that I have to upgrade to version 22. I can’t see where to do this.
I’ve no idea where to look to find out how to do this. Linux is a mystery to me
Do you really use 20.7 ? You can test it with
or find it in config/config.php
You must upgrade all versions:
21 -> 22 -> 23
Hi Devnull, thank you for your reply,
It’s actually 20.0.7
I’m given the following message when I try to take the upgrade option:
"The following errors were found :
It is not possible to Upgrade from 20.0.7 to 23.0.0
Please upgrade to the 22.0 version before upgrading to 23.0.0"
If I need to upgrade one release at a time, where is the option in NextCloud to take upgrades please?
Sorry if this is very basic, but I can’t find anything within NextCloud; my only route appears to be Softaculous where I downloaded NextCloud from, but only gives me the route to version 23.0, which doesn’t work.
you can’t skip a major version. try the webupdater or download one of the available nc21 and nc22 versions from download.nextcloud.com and do it manually. I’d recommend the webupdater.
and whatever you decide: take backups ahead of any action.
err i just read that you’re running a hosted instance… so maybe it’s not possible for you to upgrade yourself since providers can block that feature. so why not asking your provider first?
Thank you very much for the advice, I’ll check with the host and see what the response is. I think it’s going to be a challenge.
I’ve done some more digging and found the NextCloud updater, which wants to upgrade to version 20.0.14, perhaps this would be the first step toward version 23.
I’ve tried this and it looks for expected files and stops with a file name ‘error_log’.
It doesn’t appear to make an attempt to resolve this. Any ideas please?
somehow an “error_log”-file is located somewhere where it shouldn’t be.
try finding out it’s path and 1) move it away from there or 2) delete it. don’t delete all error_log files. just that one.
Dear JimmyKater,
Thank you for you help.
I found the offending Log file and removed it and proceeded with the upgrade to the Updater’s recommended route to version 20.0.14
Check for expected files - OK
Check for write permissions - OK
Create Backup - OK
Downloading - OK
then it stopped at Verifying Integrity message ‘parsing response failed’ and ‘Show detailed response’ is blank.
Further advice would be appreciated please.
Thank you
frankly said: i dunno what that means. Maybe you just wanna restart the process just again?