Upgrade NC failed from 17 to 18 with webinterface, now stuck in "Update in Progress"

In my working NextCloud 17.02 version (Fedora 30, Apache and install dir “/var/www/html/nextcloud/”) there was a message that version 18 is available and a button to “upgrade”.
After starting the webupgrade proces, there where some errors about “/Themes/” not being removed.
Because of some SeLinux problems, journalctl showed some denial AVC etc…
I think i fixed these SeLinux (with semanage etc…) so i want to continue with the upgrade.
But now the web upgrade page is showing “Update in Progress”.
Then i tryed “maintenance:mode --off” etc and checking if config.php maintenance is False.
Even worse all index.php etc files are now containing “503 Update in Progress”.
Then try manual to get out of this “in between versions” by running the command “sudo -u apache php occ upgrade” the output says “Nextcloud is already latest version”.

Please some help on how to continue the Upgrade from 17 to 18?

Yours kindly,