Upgrade issues to 30.0.0

I am running Nextcloud via Unraid/Docker. Current version is 29.0.7. I am trying to upgrade to 30.0.0.

In my Administration screen/settings, it indicates: “Web updater is disabled. Please use the command line updater or the appropriate update mechanism for your installation method (e.g. Docker pull) to update.”

When I run occ upgrade, the result returns:
Nextcloud is already latest version

Below are my results of “occ status”

  - installed: true
  - version:
  - versionstring: 29.0.7
  - edition: 
  - maintenance: false
  - needsDbUpgrade: false
  - productname: Nextcloud
  - extendedSupport: false

How do I get this upgraded? All dockers/DB’s are up to date to my knowledge.

EDIT: Note that I’ve also run “occ maintenance:repair” and there are no issues that need to be resolved here.

The occ upgrade command doesn’t do what you think it does. :slight_smile:

As it states, use docker pull[1] or equivalent for your container environment for pulling a new image. Then restart the container.

[1] GitHub - nextcloud/docker: â›´ Docker image of Nextcloud

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Thanks. I guess this makes sense but a little more difficult to do in my instance. I run Nextcloud on Unraid via linuxserver (GitHub - linuxserver/docker-nextcloud) I don’t think I can do what’s being asked. Note that I’ve run several updates on Linuxserver’s nextcloud docker but this still hasn’t worked. Perhaps the issue is the Linuxserver nextcloud docker isn’t ready for 30.0.0 so maybe I’ll just give it more time – just figured because it’s actively managed that LS would have it updated by now.


I am in the same boat as you in terms of configuration.

Unraid linuxserver docker

I ran the same “occ status” command and received the same results as you

Additionally, I ran “occ maintenance:repair” and there were no issues to be resolved either

I guess this makes sense but a little more difficult to do in my instance. I run Nextcloud on Unraid via linuxserver (GitHub - linuxserver/docker-nextcloud) I don’t think I can do what’s being asked. Note that I’ve run several updates on Linuxserver’s nextcloud docker but this still hasn’t worked.

Even with the LSIO image, the proper (and only supported) way to update/upgrade Nextcloud is to pull a new image then restart your container(s)[1][2]. The actual Nextcloud Updater is removed from many Docker images for this very reason.

Even if you use a front-end/GUI/wrapper for Docker (line Unraid), you still follow the same approach (though it may be a button sequence instead of the commands; though I believe using Docker commands directly is also an option within Unraid).

Unraid linuxserver docker

LSIO hasn’t published a v30.0.0 image yet. Though I suspect they will very soon…

[1] Updating info: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-nextcloud?tab=readme-ov-file#updating-nextcloud
[2] Updating Nextcloud: GitHub - linuxserver/docker-nextcloud
[3] https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-nextcloud/#updating-info


Thank you for the responses and taking the time to explain that to me. Appreciate your help with this.

I think I’ll just wait until LSIO offers v30.0. I am not the best with all the “programming” components and don’t want to do something to brick what I’ve done. I guess I just figured v30.0 would be available by now on LSIO. Thanks again!

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LOL and LSIO just updated their docker to 30.0.0 about 30 mins ago. Thanks again!!!


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