Upgrade issue 21.0.1 ->21.0.2

Nextcloud version :21.0.1
Operating system and version Ubuntu 20.04.2.LTS
Apache 2.4.41
PHP version 7.4.3

The issue you are facing:
When I log into the admin account and navigate to settings > Overview It tells me there is an upgrade available (21.0.1 -21.0.2) When I click on the updater, nothing happens. The link is back to the overview page
I checked that the latest version is 21.0.2 and I could download it to the desktop simply enough
Running php occ upgrade I get the response
Nextcloud is already the latest version
Scan nextcloud reports it as

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? Y

Is this something I am doing wrong, or have I broken a previous update so the installer updater doesnt work.
Not life threatening, but a bit weird
Any thoughts, opinions or fixes?

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HI @egglestn

Maybe this thread is of any help to fix your issue:


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A perfect answer, worked like a dream, thank you very much.

Kudos on your knowledge & expertise

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Did you use:

sudo -u www-data ./updater/updater.phar --no-interaction

as suggested in the linked post?

When I ran that it did a similar thing in the CLI as the web interface - shows as if everything has been downloaded and expanded and checked etc immediately but doesn’t seem to have actually done that. The web updater and CLI still says running 21.0.1.