Upgrade from NC25

Iā€™ve got a NC server at home for several years and i have always made the upgrades.
These last months iā€™ve got many things to do and I lost the rythm of the upgrades. I am in NC25. One day I check the upgrades, and donā€™t see anything (In my administration page, all itā€™s ok).
Several month later, nothing.
I didnā€™t realize that i was too late for updating from the web interface.

I think maybe i can make a fresh install and migrate to the new server. Iā€™ve already done that it was fine.
I have read the installation manual and view itā€™s possible to rename the major nextcloud directory in ā€œnextcloud2ā€ and lanch a script in an new"nextcloud" directory. I think itā€™s almost the same, isnā€™t it ?

Before beginning a big upgrade I prefer ask to you :
Can you explain me the best way to upgrade manually to NC 26, then 27 thenā€¦ ?


Hello @SylvainC

I could probably give thousands of tips here, but I would say itā€™s better if you just read through the official documentation:
Best regards,

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Take care on the current PHP version:
Nextcloud 25 supports PHP 7.4 to 8.1
Nextcloud 26, 27 only run with PHP 8.0 to 8.2
Nextcloud 28 and higher support PHP 8.0 to 8.3

Yes you are right, thank you.
I am on php 7.4 actually. Do you think that NC admin webpage donā€™t propose me the upgrade because I have to upgrade php before ? Or just because itā€™s not an actual supported version ?

It may be possible - see:

But I donā€™t know, whether similar settings can be found in Nextcloud 25.